Big Brother spoilers! New nominations twist shakes up the house

Ali and Dean in the Diary Room

Tension continues to rise in the Big Brother house as the Housemates gear up for this week’s nominations, which come with a twist.

In a dramatic reveal, Big Brother announces that Heads of House, Ali and Dean, have made a game-changing decision.

“From now on, they are not the only pair in the house,” Big Brother explains, revealing that nominations will be made in pairs, handpicked by Ali and Dean.

Ali and Dean

The Housemates are paired as follows: Hanah and Lily, Marcello and Khaled, Nathan and Izaaz, Martha and Segun, Sarah and Baked Potato, and Emma and Thomas. Each pair must nominate another, leaving emotions running high.

In the Diary Room, Marcello and Khaled grapple with their decision. Marcello candidly admits, “I like Baked Potato, but sometimes I feel like she’s coasting a bit in here.”

Khaled defends her, suggesting, “Maybe that’s just her personality. She enjoys watching the fireworks.”

Ultimately, they decide to nominate Nathan and Izaaz.

As the rest of the Housemates debate who to put up for eviction, the tension mounts: which pair will be next?

Later, heads of House Ali and Dean embark on a secret mission as they sneak into Big Brother’s hidden basement.

Once inside, they are presented with a tough decision: use the power to save and replace a pair from the eviction list or add another pair with a killer nomination.

Ali and Dean are left reeling after seeing which pairs are nominated, with Ali gasping, “No way, no way,” while Dean shakes his head in disbelief.


Big Brother leaves the fate of the house in their hands, building the pressure. “I don’t like it,” Ali confesses.

As they prepare to announce their decision to the rest of the house, Ali’s nerves are palpable: “Yes, I’m actually going to cry,” she admits. How will their choice impact the game, and who will face the next eviction?

After the nominations, tensions between Khaled and Ali flare up again, reigniting an unresolved conflict. Khaled questions if Ali now understands the burden of making difficult choices as Head of House. As the argument escalates,

Ali calls out Khaled’s tactics, saying, “If you’re not prepared to name them and give me the opportunity to speak to them, just don’t mention it.”

Khaled and Ali

The clash intensifies when Ali finally dismisses Khaled, saying, “Are you done? Cool. Bye.”

Meanwhile, romance continues to blossom in the Big Brother house as Nathan and Baked Potato share a candid moment about their relationship.

In the bedroom, Martha probes the couple about their future outside the house, asking if they plan to become official. Nathan is quick to confirm, saying, “Yeah, I think so,” while Baked Potato nods in agreement.

As the conversation deepens, Martha cheekily asks whether they’ve kissed and what their parents might think of the relationship. With wedding bells jokingly mentioned, viewers will have to wait to see if this romance continues to heat up or cool off in the days to come.

Big Brother airs at 9PM on ITV2 and ITVX.

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